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Barré Sinoussi Blog

(audio-FR) Françoise Barré-Sinoussi fait le point sur les pistes innovantes dans le VIH

Françoise Barré-Sinoussi, souhaite une mobilisation plus large des industriels

Montréal (QUEBEC) – Lors d’une récente conférence à l’Institut NÉOMED, le Dr Françoise Barré-Sinoussi, Prix Nobel de médecine 2008 pour sa codécouverte du virus du SIDA, a fait la présentation des pistes en développement dans la recherche de nouveaux traitements. La meilleure façon de combattre le virus est d’associer plusieurs thérapeutiques (vaccination, immunothérapie, etc) et de cibler en priorité les réservoirs de virus, explique dans cette interview le Dr Françoise Barré-Sinoussi, qui souhaite également voir une mobilisation plus large des industriels dans la recherche de biomarqueurs. Prochaine conférence à l’Institut NÉOMED : Mike Poole de la Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, le 11 septembre 2015.   (c) The Nobel Foundation 2008.

is the Director of the “Regulation of Retroviral Infections“ Unit in the Department of Virology at the Institut Pasteur in Paris. She has been involved in retrovirology research since the early 1970s and recognized for her contributions to HIV/AIDS research, in particular in the discovery of HIV. Today, the research programs of her team are aiming to understand mechanisms required to protect against HIV/SIV infections and/or against early pathogenic signals induced by HIV/SIV. She has been strongly implicated in promoting integration between HIV/AIDS research and actions in resource-limited countries, in particular through the Institut Pasteur International Network and the coordination of the ANRS research programs in Cambodia and Vietnam, according to her strong commitment in building capacity, training, and technology transfers on sites in Africa and Asia. Françoise Barré-Sinoussi is author and co-author of more than 280 original publications. Through her career, she received dozens of national or international awards, including the Nobel Prize for Medicine in 2008 for her contributions to HIV/AIDS. In February 2009 she was elected as member of the National Academy of Science and elevated at the rank of Commander of the Legion of Honor in France. She is the Immediate Past President of the International AIDS Society (IAS). She is at the origin of the IAS “Towards an HIV Cure” initiative.


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